Friday, April 11, 2014

Zsa Zsa and the Pinterest Scarf Tying Tutorial

Okay, I hate to admit this, but I am enormously out of step with current fashion trends. I do not like wearing scarves!  Actually, I have an aversion to anything tied or tight about my neck... scarves, turtlenecks, heavy necklaces, noose ropes...

In my twenties, I had some neck problems and was told by the Doc that I have what they call a 'swan neck' (long and bony... maybe it was stretched at birth?).  At first, I was disturbed by the news, picturing more of a 'goose neck'.  But then I discovered that many successful ballerinas also have this phenomena.  Ha!  I knew I should have been a dancer!

Speaking of dancer, Isadora Duncan would have lived longer if she had felt the same way about scarves.

So, back to my aversion. Why on earth do I have so many scarves in my closet?

This is embarrassing, but at latest count there are 55.... a little less than the number of shoes in my closet, but that is another problem.

Of course, scarves accumulate over the years and don't get thrown out with every change in weight or fashion trend. And I do like to pick up a pretty scarf as a souvenir when on vacation.  Here is my latest silk acquisition from a trip to Rome last fall.  I think its prettier tied about an antique handbag, than about my 'goose' neck.

Here are a couple more ways I can tolerate wearing a scarf:


source: toast

If you like to wear scarves, but don't want to mess with the tying bit, there are some beautiful 'infinity' scarves.  Here is a Pride and Prejudice one I purchased for my daughter:


And if you are like Zsa Zsa and don't mind having your neck wrung.....  you might try the hundreds of ways of tying a scarf.  (I do not recommend the Sumo Wrestler look) and keep the scissors handy.

Found on

Happy Tying!

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