Saturday, May 24, 2014

Risky Business


     All Zsa Zsa needs now is a wrecking ball in her living room.... and maybe a straw.  Poor thing doesn't realize that not all trends are attractive.

     Beauty trends have been around since before Cleopatra decorated her eyes with kohl made from lead, copper, burned almonds, and soot.

     There are probably as many reasons for adopting a trend as there are trends to adopt.  And sometimes, those beauty trends are not without physical pain.

     The age-old custom of wearing neck rings is related to an ideal of beauty: an elongated neck.  However, it is said that many people that still wear neck rings, do so because of the popular tourism factor. 

Neck rings push the collarbone and ribs down.  The weight of the rings twist the collar bone and eventually the upper ribs at an angle of 45 degrees lower than natural causing the illusion of an elongated neck.  The vertebrae do not elongate, though the space between them may increase.

     Like many women, Maria Jose Cristerna decided to get a makeover after a difficult time in her life.  She has transformed herself into a vampire, complete with fangs and horns.  Lest you think she is just crazy...  she has an advanced degree and used to practice law.

     And, why would anyone want to go back to the days of wearing braces.  Do Madonna and Katy Perry believe these 'grills' look youthful?

    Not all beauty trends are extreme.  Here is an advertisement for Botox of the lips:
   Is the woman above really more beautiful in the 'after' photos?  I bet Lisa Rinna thought so.

    I would venture to guess that every woman in the world has used some type of technique to make herself more attractive or to gain attention .  I know I have, and many times.  
     Now that I am an 'older woman' I am slowly becoming more comfortable in my own skin and who I am.  Before adopting any new trend of society's ideal of beauty, my new goal is to answer the personal questions of 'why and how much' is right for me.

     Can anyone be more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn, even at this 'ripe old age'? She didn't run to the latest trends.  She aged with grace and style on the outside; dignity, kindness, and generosity on the inside.

    "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry of fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3?3-4 NIV

     "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:29-31

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Husband or Boyfriend?

    It amazes me that 'boyfriend' jeans are so popular.  But, why not?  They've been around since denim was invented.  Back then, they were probably more of 'husband', 'uncle', or 'brother' jeans. 

      These ladies happily donned their man's jeans to do heavy work during World War II while the chaps were off fighting.  I'm sure they were thrilled to skip the girdle!

     Of course, they wouldn't have dreamed of paying upwards of $1000 and more for a pair of ripped and patched pair.   And doesn't that defeat the whole idea of 'stealing' someone else's clothes? The beauties below cost (only) $800 (tongue-in-cheek):

Junya Watanabe at

    I actually love the relaxed and comfortable style of boyfriend jeans.... especially the twist of wearing them with heels.

     This pair by Old Navy can be had for under $35 (although I do like them better styled with heels):

    The best idea, though, is to REALLY borrow from your boyfriend or husband.  Boyfriend too slim?  Do what Dressed Her Days Vintage did....  picked up an inexpensive pair at Goodwill.  I think she looks fabulous in them!

    It appears that the trend of boyfriend jeans will not end anytime soon..... too comfortable, and not just a little bit sexy (like wearing HIS dress shirt as a nighty).  

     My favorite pair had a large 'paperbag' cinched waist and cuffs that showed a calico print when rolled up.  Wish I still had them...  Here they are 20+ years ago (too bad I didn't think about wearing heels back then):

     What's your favorite pair?.... husband or boyfriend?  Just remember to ask before you grab the scissors!